Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that could potentially be associated with the TAJDEED membership form and the network:


1Who can join TAJDEED Network?

TAJDEED is open to all Physicians and healthcare providers or related to healthcare field residing in North America who have an interest in supporting and advising innovative healthcare startups, with a particular emphasis on improving access to healthcare in emerging countries like Pakistan.

2Why do you need my LinkedIn profile?

Your LinkedIn profile helps us to understand your professional background and interests better. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, TAJDEED Network offers help in setting one up to enhance your professional online presence. LinkedIn is the most common place for networking on healthcare startups

3Why do I need to agree to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

The NDA is necessary to ensure the confidentiality of the sensitive information shared within the TAJDEED Network about healthcare startups and innovative ideas. This helps us maintain the trust and security of our members and the startups we advise and invest in.

4What is the process after I submit my application?

After receiving your application, our due diligence team (General Partners) will review your submission and contact you for additional information or to provide you with our decision.

5Can I participate in the TAJDEED Network without investing?

Yes, investment is not a mandatory requirement. TAJDEED offers a wide range of opportunities including networking, mentorship, and participation in discussions about healthcare innovation. We value all contributions to our mission.

6Do I have to be an Accredited Investor to join TAJDEED?

While being an Accredited Investor is not a prerequisite for joining TAJDEED, it may provide access to a broader range of investment opportunities within the network. Non-accredited members still have a wealth of opportunities for networking, mentorship, and contributing to our mission in other ways.

7What is an Accredited Investor?

An Accredited Investor is a person or a business entity that is allowed to deal in securities that may not be registered with financial authorities. They are entitled to such privileged access if they satisfy one (or more) requirements regarding income, net worth, asset size, governance status, or professional experience. For a more detailed explanation, [Click Here]

8What kind of startups does TAJDEED Network work with?

We primarily focus on innovative healthcare startups that are working to significantly improve access to healthcare, particularly in emerging countries like Pakistan. We support startups at various stages and help them to enhance their go-to-market strategies and product-market fit.

9Can I leave the TAJDEED Network at any time?

Yes, membership in TAJDEED Network is voluntary, and you can decide to leave at any time. If you choose to do so, we ask that you notify us in writing so we can remove you from our membership directory and cease communications.

10What does membership in the TAJDEED Network entail?

Being a member of TAJDEED Network involves engaging with a vibrant community of healthcare professionals, startup founders, and angel investors. As a member, you have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, including discussions about healthcare innovation, networking events, mentoring sessions, and startup pitches. However, there are no mandatory commitments or requirements. You can participate as much or as little as suits your schedule and interests. We encourage all members to contribute in ways that are most meaningful to them, whether that's through investing, offering guidance to startups, or simply participating in discussions.

11Are there any mandatory financial obligations as a member of the TAJDEED Network?

No, there are no mandatory financial obligations to be a member of TAJDEED Network. Members who are accredited investors have the option to invest in startups, but this is not a requirement. The primary goal of our network is to support healthcare startups and foster a community of like-minded professionals.

12How many meetings do I need to attend to maintain my membership in the TAJDEED Network?

There is no requirement for members to attend a certain number of meetings. We understand that everyone has different schedules and availability. That's why we make it a point to share recordings of all our meetings and discussions. This way, even if you can't attend in real-time, you won't miss out on the content. Furthermore, if we have something specific that we think would interest you or benefit from your expertise, we may reach out to you directly. Remember, at TAJDEED, we value your participation in whatever capacity you can offer. We believe every member has a unique perspective to bring to the table, and we strive to ensure everyone can contribute meaningfully.

13Can I refer someone to join the TAJDEED Network?

Absolutely! We always welcome new members who align with our mission. If you know someone who might be interested in joining TAJDEED Network, feel free to direct them to our membership form or contact us for more information.

14Can I refer a startup to pitch to the network?

Yes, you can. If you know a startup that might benefit from pitching to our network, they or you can fill out a request form and add your name as a reference. We take such references into account and ask that you disclose your relationship with the startup for transparency purposes.

15Can I connect the network with investors, such as angel investors or Venture Capitalists (VCs)?

Yes, if you're aware of investors who would be interested in connecting with TAJDEED Network, please reach out to the General Partner (GP) directly. We appreciate connections that can benefit our mission and the startups we support.

16Can I connect the network with other institutions?

Connections with other institutions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If you believe there's an institution that could be beneficial to connect with TAJDEED, please reach out to the General Partner (GP) with the details.

17What communication platforms does TAJDEED Network use?

We utilize several platforms to communicate with our members. Primarily, we use email for official communications and announcements. We also maintain a WhatsApp group for more casual, day-to-day discussions and quick updates. Additionally, we post important announcements on our website.

18Does TAJDEED Network sell my personal information, such as my email address?

No, TAJDEED Network respects your privacy and will never sell your personal information. If an opportunity arises where we believe your information may be beneficial to share (for instance, with a startup or an investor), we will always reach out to you to obtain your explicit consent on a case-by-case basis.

19Does TAJDEED Network hold meetings for members besides startup pitches?

Yes, we certainly do. In addition to startup pitch sessions, we hold monthly meetings for all members. These meetings are a chance for us to discuss new ideas, share updates, and plan future activities. Furthermore, we also organize biannual seminars or symposiums, providing a platform for in-depth discussion on specific themes or topics. These larger events are announced well in advance, and the agenda is shared with all members. As a member, you can also request to be included in the agenda of any of these meetings if you have something specific to share or discuss. Moreover, you can recommend someone who could provide valuable insights to the network.

If you have any other questions that aren't covered in these FAQs, please feel free to reach out to us via our website.